Vous devez directement vous inscrire à l’école de votre choix dans les cas suivants :
- Vous envisagez d’étudier à temps partiel
- Vous êtes un étudiant adulte
- Vous vous inscrivez à un programme d’études supérieures
- Vous vous inscrivez à un collège carrière privé
Services aux étudiants, de counseling et d’apprentissage des collèges de l’Ontario
Cliquer sur le nom du collège pour afficher les ressources.
Algonquin College
Main Ottawa Campus
Contact Information:
- E-mail: aspireac@algonquincollege.ca
- Phone: 613-727-4723 ext. 6695 (Jason)
Cambrian College
Student Success and Transition Navigator
- Mary-Liz Warwick
Phone: 705-566-8101 ext. 7895
E-mail: maryliz.warwick@cambriancollege.ca
Canadore College
North Bay
First generation students:
Erin Plourde:
- E-mail: Plourde@canadorecollege.ca
- Phone: 705-474-7600 ext. 5134
Supportive Learning-On Campus Support Services
- Phone: 705-474-7600 ext. 5205
- E-mail: studentsuccessnow@canadorecollege.ca
- Home Page
Centennial College
Enrollment Services: 416-289-5300
Conestoga College
Accessibility Services:
- E-mail: accessibility@conestogac.on.ca
- Phone: 519-748-5220 ext. 3232
Confederation College
Thunder Bay
Main Thunder Bay Campus
Student Success Services/ Student Accessibility Services (SAS):
- Phone: 1-807-475-6618
- E-mail: sas@confederationcollege.ca
Durham College
- Lucy Romao Vandepol
First Generation Student Co-ordinator
Student Services building, SSB 211 - Phone: 905-721-2000 ext. 3458
- E-mail: firstgeneration@durhamcollege.ca
- Hours of operation: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
For more information please visit the website.
Access and Student Support Centre:
- E-mail: dccares@durhamcollege.ca
Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion/RISE Program
- E-mail: rise@durhamcollege.ca and shauna.moore@durhamcollege.ca
Fanshawe College
Student Wellness Centre
1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard
P.O. Box 7005
London, ON N5Y 5R6
- Phone: 519-452-4477
Counselling and Accessibility
- E-mail: counselling@fanshawec.ca
Fleming College
Accessible Education Services
Counselling Reception
Toll Free: 1-866-353-6464 ext. 1527
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Indigenous Student Services Manager
Ashley Safar
Nogojiwanong (Peterborough), ON
1-866-353-6464 ext. 1263
George Brown College
Georgian College
Humber College
Accessibility Services (Support and Learning Services):
North, Orangeville & Carrier Drive Campus
- E-mail: accessible-learning@humber.ca
- Phone: 416-675-5090
Lakeshore Campus
- E-mail: accessible-learning@humber.ca
- Phone: 416-675-6622 ext. 3331
La Cité College
Lambton College
- Victoria Byers
Accessibility & Learning Skills Advisor - Phone: 519-542-7751 ext. 3566
- Shaunacy Core
Accessibility & Learning Skills Advisor - Phone: 519-542-7751 ext. 3314
Both assist with:
- Learning strategies
- Assistive computer software
- Interim accommodations
- Accommodation renewals
- Braden Chambers
Enrolment Advisor - E-mail: info@lambtoncollege.ca
- Whitney Fennell
Administrative Assistant - Phone: 519-542-7751 ext. 3393
Loyalist College
Student Success Services:
- Phone: 613-969-1913 ext. 2519
- Fax: 613-969-0411
- TTY: 613-962-0633
- E-mail: studentsuccess@loyalistcollege.com
Michener College
Students who wish to register with Michener’s Accessibility & Accommodations Services must see the Health Nurse in Room 1342, by calling: 416.596.3101 ext. 3320
- E-mail: healthservices@michener.ca
Mohawk College
Accessible Learning Services:
- E-mail: als@mohawkcollege.ca
- Phone: 905-575-2211
Register with Accessible Learning Services:
- Accommodations
- Accessible Learning
- Accessible Counselling
Niagara College
Accessibility Services:
Welland Campus
- Phone: 905-735-2211 ext. 7778 or 7635
- E-mail: hwas@niagaracollege.ca
Niagara-on-the-Lake Campus
- Phone: 905-641-2252 ext. 4409 or 4449
- E-mail: hwas@niagaracollege.ca
Northern College
Accessibility Services:
Haileybury Campus
- Phone: 705-672-3376 ext. 1-8818
- E-mail: jibbw@northern.on.ca
Kirkland Lake Campus
- Phone: 705-567-9291 ext. 1-3625
- E-mail: connorsk@northern.on.ca
Moosonee Campus
- Phone: 705-336-2913 ext. 1-5603
- E-mail: smallw@northern.on.ca
Timmins Campus
- Phone: 705-235-3211 ext. 1-2237
- E-mail: lecuyers@northern.on.ca
Student Academic Success Services:
Haileybury Campus
- Phone: 705-672-3376 ext. 8843
- E-mail: sheas@northern.on.ca
Kirkland Lake Campus
- Janice Ranger,
Student Academic Success Services (SASS) - E-mail: rangerj@northern.on.ca
- Phone: 705-567-9291 ext. 3770
Moosonee Campus
- Phone: 705-336-2913 ext. 5609
- E-mail: garrodj@northern.on.ca
Timmins Campus
- Phone: 705-235-3211 ext. 2164
- E-mail: rozonf@northern.on.ca
Ridgetown Campus
Academic Skills Centre (for students having academic issues)
- E-mail: rcskills@uoguelph.ca
- Phone: 519-674-1500 ext. 63534
Sault College
Sault Ste. Marie
First Generation Support Services
Accessibility Services Contact:
- Phone: 705-759-2554 ext. 2703 or 2720
- TTY/TDD: 705-946-8619
- Location: Room E1101
- E-mail: studentsupport@saultcollege.ca
Seneca College
Counselling and Accessibility Services
E-mail: senecacnas@senecacollege.ca to schedule an appointment.
Appointments can be provided by phone, email or video chat.
- King Campus: 416-491-5050 ext. 55157
- Markham Campus: 416-491-5050 ext. 77508
- Newnham Campus: 416-491-5050 ext. 22900
- Seneca@York Campus: 416-491-5050 ext. 33150
Sheridan College
Oakville / Mississauga
Student Advisement Department
- E-mail: askanadvisor@sheridancollege.ca
Please leave a voicemail and we will return your phone call within one business day:
- Davis Campus: 905-459-7533 ext. 5400
- Hazel McCallion Campus: 905-459-7533 ext. 2528
- Trafalgar Road Campus: 905-845-9430 ext. 2557
St. Clair College
Meet with students to discuss accessibility, academic, career and personal issues.
Main Campus:
- E-mail: studentservices@stclaircollege.ca
- Phone: 519-972-2727 ext. 4225
Chatham Campus:
- E-mail: chathamstudentservices@stclaircollege.ca
- Phone: 519-354-9100 ext. 3306
Downtown Campus (Centre for the Arts):
- E-mail: sccastudentservices@stclaircollege.ca
- Phone: 519-972-2727 ext. 4348
St. Lawrence College
Student Wellness and Accessibility:
- E-mail: wellness@sl.on.ca
For first generation students:
- E-mail: strive@sl.on.ca
Algoma University
Sault Ste. Marie
- Jennifer Reid
Co-ordinator, Learning Centre and Disability Services - Phone: 705-949-2301 ext. 4221
- E-mail: jennifer.reid@algomau.ca
- Office: NW 302
- Bonnie Gaikezheyongai
Anishinaabe Academic Success Advisor - Phone: 705-949-2301 ext.4815
- E-mail: bonnie.gaikezheyongai@algomau.ca
- Office: SH 314
Specific Faculty Contact Information
Brock University
St. Catharines
Student Accessibility Services
- Phone: 905-688-5550 ext. 3240
- E-mail: asksas@brocku.ca
Personal Counselling Services
- Phone: 1-833-BROCK33
- E-mail: counselling@brocku.ca
Other important contact information
Carleton University
University of Guelph
Student Accessibility Services
- Monday to Friday: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
- Phone: 519-824-4120 ext. 56208
- Fax: 519-824-9689
- E-mail: accessibility@uoguelph.ca
Lakehead University
Thunder Bay
Student Accessibility Services
- Nancy Cahill
Campus: Thunder Bay - Office Location: SC 0003D
- Phone: (807) 343-8086
- E-mail: manager-sas@lakeheadu.ca
- Alisia Johnston
Accessibility & Academic Skills Advisor
Campus: Orillia - Office Location: OA 1030
- Phone: 1-705-330-4008 ext. 2103
- E-mail: oraccess@lakeheadu.ca
- Amber Saville
Learning Strategist/Assistive Technologist
Campus: Thunder Bay - Phone: 1-807-343-8098
- E-mail: atech-sas@lakeheadu.ca
- Chris Glover
Director, Student Affairs (Orillia Campus)
Campus: Orillia - Office Location: OA 2001E
- Phone: 1-705-330-4008 ext. 2112
- E-mail: cdglover@lakeheadu.ca
Laurentian University
Accessibility Services
- P-230 Parker Building
935 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6 - Phone: 705-675-1151 ext. 3324
- Phone: 1-800-461-4030 ext. 3324
- Fax: 705-675-4807
- E-mail: accessibilityservicesinfo@laurentian.ca
Indigenous Student Affairs
- Indigenous Sharing and Learning Centre
First floor of the R.D. Parker building
Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, ON
P2E 2C6 - Phone: 705-675-1151 ext. 4052
- Fax: 705-671-3836
- E-mail: isa@laurentian.ca
McMaster University
Student Success Services
- Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 24254
- E-mail: studentsuccess@mcmaster.ca
Student Accessibility Services
- Phone: (905) 525-9140 ext. 28652
Select « Option 2 » to speak to the SAS front desk.
For general inquiries, please email sas@mcmaster.ca
Nipissing University
North Bay
Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
- E-mail: sas@nipissingu.ca
- Phone: 705-474-3450 ext. 4362
- Fax: 705-495-2850
OCAD University
To book an appointment with a counsellor or doctor:
- E-mail: swc@ocadu.ca
- Phone: 416-977-6000 ext. 260
For same-day counselling requests, you can also call 416-977-6000 ext. 284.
Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
- E-mail: SAS@ocadu.ca
- Phone: 416-977-6000 ext. 339
- Fax: 416-977-5465
Ontario Technical University
Indigenous Education and Cultural Services
- E-mail: indigenous@ontariotechu.ca
Student Accessibility Services
- Phone: 905-721-3266
- E-mail: studentaccessibility@ontariotechu.ca
Student Learning Centre
- Phone: 905-721-8668 ext. 6578
- E-mail: studentlearning@ontariotechu.ca
University of Ottawa
Queens University
Student Academic Success Services
E-mail Communications Only
Ryerson University
Accessibility Coordinator:
- Heather Willis
Accessibility Coordinator
Office of the Vice President, Equity and Community Inclusion
Jorgenson Hall, JOR-1119
350 Victoria Street, Toronto ON M5B 2K3 - E-mail: hwillis@ryerson.ca
- Phone: 416-979-5000 ext. 4144
Student Learning Support:
- Phone: 416-979-5000 ext. 3485
University of Toronto
Trent University
Student Accessibility:
- Phone: 705-748-1281
- Fax: 705-748-1509
- E-mail: sas@trentu.ca
- Directory
General inquiries:
- E-mail: careers@trentu.ca
Includes contact information for:
- academic advising
- accessibility services
- counselling
University of Waterloo
Undergraduate Program Student Services Directory
Includes information:
- Student Success
- Accessibility
- Academic Advisors
- Indigenous Peoples Supports
Western University
- E-mail: lgloor@uwo.ca
- Phone: 519-661-2111 ext. 85183
Indigenous Services
- Phone: 519-661-2111 ext. 83240
Wilfred Laurier University
Academic Accommodations:
- E-mail: accessible_learning@wlu.ca
- Phone: 519-884-0710 ext. 3086
- E-mail: lbaccessiblelearning@wlu.ca
- Phone: 519-756-8228 ext. 5871
Contact the Equity and Accessibility Officer:
- E-mail: accessibility@wlu.ca
- Phone: 519-884-0710 ext. 4469
University of Windsor
Student Accessibility Services
- University of Windsor
Dillon Hall (Lower Level)
401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4 - Phone: 519-253-3000 ext. 6172
- Fax: 519-973-7095
- TTY: 519-973-7091
- E-mail: sas@uwindsor.ca
York University
Student Accessibility Services
- E-mail: sasinfo@yorku.ca
- Phone: 416-736-5755
- N108 Ross Building