Bounce Back Ontario Bounce Back is a free, guided self-help program that’s effective in helping people aged 15 and up who are experiencing mild-to-moderate anxiety or depression, or may be feeling low, stressed, worried, irritable or angry.
COPE – 905-668-6223 Community-based mental health service that offers group support to adults aged 16 and older, with emotional and/or mental health concerns.
Lakeridge Health – Pinewood Centre Mental health and addiction services (Durham and Scarborough) New centralized access line for Community Mental Health and Pinewood Centre: 905-721-4747
Naseeha Muslim Youth Helpline – 1-866-627-3342 Naseeha is a mental health hotline and so much more. Calls answered 7-days-per-week from around the world and from Muslim and non-Muslim callers.
Vaughan Community Health Centre Community Health Centres (CHCs) provide primary health care, social programs, and health promotion services with an emphasis on priority populations who face barriers accessing health care.